Smart Cookie Tips: Save Money for Holiday Shopping
Watch this video for these tips to save for holiday shopping:
- Open a separate savings account
- Cut back on your expenses
- Stick to a budget
In this video, Shyanne shares three ways to save money for holiday shopping:
Tip #1: Open a separate savings account
You can set up automatic transfers to a separate savings account, whether it be biweekly, monthly, whatever works for you, just build up your savings.
Tip #2: Cut back on your expenses
Start cutting back on your expenses now. Can I cancel it? Can I get a better deal elsewhere? Chances are, you’ll find extra money in your budget when you take a hard look at your spending.
Tip #3: Stick to a budget
When the time comes, go out holiday shopping with a list, make a plan to stick to your budget, and have fun.
No matter how you choose to save for your holiday shopping, the time to start is now.