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Small Business, Big Impact

You’ll find Farmers & Merchants Bank in 12 towns across Nebraska—and in every one of those towns, you’ll find plenty of small and local businesses that help make the town what it is. To us, community isn’t just a buzzword—it’s what we stand for. We’re proud to have Nebraska businesses as our customers, and we’re grateful to have their services and their people in the places we call home. Here are just a few of the reasons FMB loves the communities we call home:

1. Economic Impact: Picture this: every time you shop at a local business, you’re not just picking up groceries or grabbing a cup of joe—you’re investing in the economic health of your community. These local gems create jobs, pump up tax revenue, and keep our hard-earned cash right here where it belongs.

2. Community Identity: Local businesses and the folks who run them are what give each town its flavor. If you appreciate the unique local spirit where you live—and who doesn’t?—then it just makes sense to do your business with neighbors whenever you have the choice. It’s one of the things that makes small town living a pleasure.

3. Supporting Entrepreneurs and Innovation: Behind every local business is a dreamer, a doer, and a darn good idea. This is Nebraska’s pioneer ethic carried into the present day. It brings fresh perspectives to our doorstep, spurring on economic growth and keeping our communities vibrant and strong.

4. Community Engagement and Social Cohesion: Local businesses aren’t just places to shop—they’re gathering spots where friendships are forged and memories are made. From sponsoring local events to pitching in for charity, they’re the glue that holds our community together.

5. Environmental Impact: Did you know that shopping local can actually be good for the planet? By keeping supply chains short and sweet, our local heroes help shrink our carbon footprint, making Mother Earth smile a little brighter.

6. Responsive to Local Needs: Unlike big-box stores where decisions are made hundreds of miles from here, local businesses have their finger on the pulse of your community. They’re quick to adapt, offering up personalized service and tailor-made solutions to meet our ever-evolving needs.

7. Stability and Resilience: When it comes to weathering the storms of economic uncertainty, our local businesses are our rock. By diversifying our economic landscape, they help us bounce back stronger and more resilient than ever.

8. Preservation of Historic and Architectural Heritage: Drive through any town in Nebraska and you’re likely to find historic buildings still standing. Some of them date back to the founding of our communities. And who’s keeping the property up and the doors open? Local businesses. It’s just one more way they’re keeping the legacy and the spirit of our towns alive.

At Farmers and Merchants Bank, we’re proud to support our local businesses and the vibrant community they help create. When you choose Farmers & Merchants Bank, you’re not just choosing a bank—you’re showing you care about the place we call home. Together, let’s continue to invest in the small businesses and big-hearted people that make our communities truly special.