Meet Maynard the Mouse and His Friends on a Great, Big Nebraska Adventure
Who is Maynard the Mouse, you ask? He’s the hero of a new children’s book featuring all the Nebraska communities that Farmers & Merchants Bank calls home. The book is the brainchild of FMB President and CEO Gerry Dunlap, who conceived it as a tribute to people, places, and things he holds dear.
In the story, Maynard packs his bags and sets out on a trip to visit his family back in Milford. Along the way, he passes through all twelve of FMB’s hometowns. At each stop, he meets new friends who join him on the journey—and by the time Maynard reaches Milford, he’s got quite a caravan in tow.
The Inspiration Behind “Maynard”
Maynard the Mouse is named for Gerry’s grandfather, Maynard Dunlap. Growing up, Gerry learned valuable life lessons from Maynard, including the fundamentals of what makes community banking special.
You can see Maynard’s influence in how Farmers & Merchants Bank operates today, including a commitment to sharing good money habits with our kids. Throughout the story, Maynard sets a good example of saving—and it pays off at the end! In fact, instilling these patterns early is the idea behind FMB’s Star Savers Club, and our Star Savers members were the first to meet Maynard and friends.
(Want to know more about Star Savers? Click here for the whole story.)
The book is also a tribute to all the Nebraska towns with FMB locations, and to our customers and employees who make their homes there. Since the beginning, FMB was built on the values of community and the relationships that form the backbone of Midwestern small-town life.
“Maynard’s Great, Big Nebraska Adventure” reflects our spirit of resilience, tradition, and growth, reminding us all of the shared history and a commitment to excellence that continues to guide Farmers & Merchants Bank to this day.