Meet Maynard the Mouse
and His Friends on a Great,
Big Nebraska Adventure
Do you like exploring and making new pals along the way? How about saving up for something special? Then you’ll love Maynard’s Great, Big Nebraska Adventure, a heartfelt tribute to the vibrant Nebraska towns where FMB thrives and the amazing customers and employees who call these places home.
Maynard sets out from the town of Douglas to visit friends and family in Milford. Along the way, he sees the sights in each of FMB’s hometowns. He also gets to go to a festival, try new treats, float down a river—all with his friends in tow.
Maynard the Mouse
Our hero is named in honor of Maynard Dunlap, grandfather of FMB President and CEO Gerry Dunlap. Gerry learned many valuable life lessons from Maynard, including the fundamentals of what makes community banking special. Throughout the story, Maynard sets a good example of saving—and it pays off at the end!
Freddy the Ferret
Maynard’s sneaky neighbor, Freddy, follows Maynard and friends on the entire trip. He tries to stay hidden, only to find out that they knew he was there all along!

Terry & Tina Turtle
The first of Maynard’s new friends to join the adventure, they greet Maynard as he passes through Weeping Water.
Rachel the Rabbit
Rachel meets our trio at a park in Palmyra. While sharing a picnic lunch, they invite Rachel to tag along with them.

Cleo & Candy the Cats
The group pauses for a breather in Panama, where they meet Cleo and Candy. The two cats have cousins in Milford, so they jump at the chance to join in.
Danny the Dog
At Firth Fun Days, the gang help some kids rescue their volleyball and meet this friendly pooch.

Betty the Blackbird
At the famous Wilber Czech Festival, friendly Betty introduces the group to tasty kolaches.
Sammy the Snake
In the town of Jansen, Sammy shares stories of the pioneers who settled the Nebraska frontier.

Louie the Lizard
Louie shows off the elaborate homes in Superior, the “Victorian Capital of Nebraska.”
Dolly the Deer
While enjoying the countryside near Lawrence, the gang meets up with this fleet-footed, friendly doe.

Fanny the Fox
The wise Fanny the Fox (and her cousin) meet our merry travelers on the campus of UNK.
Otto the Otter
As the new friends pass through the town of Jansen, Otto takes them for a ride on the Cedar River.

Billy the Beaver
The gang roll into Beaver Crossing unsure of which way to go, until Billy the Beaver points the way to Milford.
The Mouse Family
Home at last! Maynard and friends are welcomed by his relatives Monty, Mildred, Mary, and Marty, and a big party follows.

Let’s Discover More Together
Find “Maynard’s Great, Big Nebraska Adventure” at any FMB location and start your own journey!