Branch Info
617 1st Street
PO Box E
Milford, Nebraska 68405
402-761-7600 (Local)
800-695-2045 (Toll Free)
Lobby Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Drive-Up Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:45 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 7:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
(Lobby closed Saturdays)
ATM Locations:
- Bank’s Drive-Thru at 617 1st Street
- Stop ‘N Shop at Elm & Hwy 6
- Southeast Community College, Eicher Center at 600 State Street
Then & Now
In 1949, The Dunlap family purchased the very first Farmers & Merchants Bank location and went on to expand to eleven other towns. Learn more about the bank’s history here.

Milford, located a close 20 miles west of Lincoln and easily accessed off Interstate 80, is a friendly town of about 2,000 people. Their conservative, law-abiding history and traditions remain much the same, while their proximity to Lincoln, a new subdivision, new City Hall, and continuing improvements to Southeast Community College have brought more people to the town. Milford takes great pride in its schools and is an amazing place to raise a family.
A huge driver in Milford’s growing population is Southeast Community College with over 800 enrolled students. But the college isn’t the only great school in town. Many families are moving to Milford to take advantage of the great school district and proximity to Lincoln. Learn more about Milford’s history here.